Hey. That dream you have of making consistent income from your art?



It's time to make it real.



Creating your art is the easy part.

Building a business that provides you with consistent income and allows you to contribute financially… that can feel a little more complicated. 



The good news is - you can get out of overwhelm and focus on exactly what you need to do right now in your business to reach your goals (and you can do it without spending your life struggling on social media).

You're ready to finally claim the title of professional artist
You dream of getting your work out in the world
You want the success you’ve seen other artists achieve, and to contribute to breaking down the starving artist myth

But the dream of actually making money from your art feels just out of your reach.


Maybe you’re even starting to doubt your dream because:



  • you have artwork stacking up around you with no real plan how you’re going to sell it 
  • you’ve been posting on IG  and it feels pointless because no one ever sees it 
  • You’re overwhelmed thinking about everything you need to do to build your art business
  • you have a hard time figuring out where to focus your efforts with the time you have
  • You know you need an audience, but you don’t know what steps to take to build one
  • you wonder what’s worth your time and what isn’t when it comes to the business side of things?


And let’s be honest here. It’s easy to make a list of reasons why this dream of yours won’t work out. We’ve been told our whole lives that being an artist is not a feasible way to make a living. 


But it is.


And if I can do it, you can do it.


You can talk yourself out of anything, even your dreams. But I’ve been where you are and I know that if you don’t give this art thing your best shot - you’ll regret it.

Stacy Kron

I'm seriously thrilled and in awe of how much information you covered and shared with us so openly. The homework broken down into phases is tremendously helpful and although there are a lot of steps, it feels manageable. It helps my scattered brain to stay on task and not wonder "what should I do next?". Whew. Thank you sooooooo much, Jennifer!

Ashley Armistead

I feel like this course is giving me the tools I need to move forward in a tangible way with my art business. Even though I dont feel ready to implement all of the tools yet, it is very helpful to have the instruction on how to for when i am ready. And it is helping me gain clarity on where to focus my energy right now and helping me see that i need to set obtainable goals - one by one - and start working diligently to check those off. I'm excited to start implementing these ideas.

Heather Adamek

I feel so much more calm about where I'm headed and what I need to do to get there. I know what things I have control over - rather than only really knowing that which is out of my hands!

Hey there!

In case we haven't met yet...

I’m Jennifer Daily. I’m a fine artist who makes over 100k a year just from my art. 

But I haven’t always had a successful art career. Even though I loved drawing and painting when I was in high school I never thought it was a practical choice for making a living. So I studied graphic design and became a web designer instead. And yet -  as the years went by I realized that I didn’t want to work at a computer all day, and that design work just didn’t excite me like painting did. 

Fast forward a few years - after getting married, having kids, and dabbling in a few other “practical” creative professions I finally committed to giving my dreams of being a professional artist a real chance. 

But what I quickly discovered is that even though I could see there were other artists having success, there weren’t any courses or books teaching people how to make this thing work. I knew I needed a website and an Instagram account, but then what? I really had to figure it out on my own - with the help of a handful of other artists who were on the same path.

Eventually I did invest in the education that was out there and found that while many of the programs had some good information - they often had too much information and I was left overwhelmed and unclear on what to do next. Or the course was geared toward creatives in general, and not specifically to fine artists. Or the material was really aspirational, and I couldn’t see how to apply it to my own real (messy)  life.

But I hung in there until I got to my goal income, and once I built this beautiful business I realized that I wanted to help other artists do the same. And now I’m passionate about empowering other women to pursue their dreams of finally being professional artists, making consistent income, and claiming that artist title for themselves.


Palette to Profit


Palette to Profit is a program that helps talented emerging artists who are overwhelmed by all there is to do when building up their art business - to get focused and create consistent income from their art.

Inside the program I outline the exact steps you need to take to build a professional presence, grow your audience, sell work yourself and via other partners, and create a business that supports your goals and lifestyle. All without relying on the whims of social media.

Included are:

  • 30+ video lessons and the associated homework for you to work though at your own pace. These lessons are built so that you complete them one at a time. No overwhelm, and you always know what to do next.
  • Weekly live group Q&A calls to get your questions answered (I answer questions about implementing the course material as well as general questions about things going on inside your business)
  • A private Facebook group for you to interact with our other amazing artists and to get simple questions answered quickly
  • The same worksheets, templates and spreadsheets I use inside my business to help with planning, pricing, collection launches, and audience building/communication.

Best of all...

You will have access to all the course materials, the weekly live calls (plus recordings of those calls) and the private Facebook group for the lifetime of the program (and I intend to run this program for a long time!)

You can rest assured that you will feel supported while you work to build the art business you’ve been dreaming of.



Here’s the bottom line. I learned a lot during the years I spent building up my business (and still invest in education to this day). I tried a LOT of different strategies and techniques. Some of them worked. Some of them were a complete waste of time and money.

This program includes everything I’ve learned that works. And nothing that doesn’t. I don’t want you wasting your time on the extra stuff. Your time is precious.

What my students are saying...

Kristi Visser

"I can say for myself that for the first time in a very long time I really believe this career is possible and I can't wait!"


Andrea Koral

"For the first time since I started my business five years ago I know what to do to increase my revenue and I know what to do to see success in my future."


Alicia Hauff

"I feel a lot more confident moving forward in my business!"


Stacy Kron

"Its easy for me to be overwhelmed with how I'm spending my time. The way that Jennifer set up this course... it really helps to clarify what I should be doing next."


Irina Ventrasca

"There was never any question that was off the table. Jennifer was an open book - never hid anything and was open to sharing anything and everything we wanted to know about."


You will be a great fit for Palette to Profit if you:

  • are currently making less than 15-20k a year from your art
  • are committed to doing the work to grow your art business now
  • are a painter or 2D fine artist
  • are making work that is at a professional level
  • LOVE what you make
  • have a clear voice in everything you make
  • want to build a business that provides you with consistent income
  • are ready to commit to yourself and your dream of being a professional artist
  • want to bypass years of trial and error on the path to success

You may not be a great fit for Palette to Profit if you:

  • aren’t sure you can commit to your dream
  • haven’t settled (or aren’t in the process of settling) into a style of art-making that you love and are proud of
  • don’t believe that you should be making good money from your art
  • are primarily a photographer, illustrator, or 3D artist 
  • are lacking a positive attitude

Are you ready to join us?

Palette to Profit is currently closed for enrollment. Sign up below to be notified when the doors re-open in the fall. 

Palette to Profit FAQ


Have questions?


I'm here for you! Reach out at [email protected]